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Reminder to customers..

Kindly be noted that Sweet Tooth Desserts only accepts orders during weekends only. Make sure the pick up date you have chosen either falls on Friday, Saturday or Sunday only. Do refer to our calendar to ensure that your date is available. We also accept orders during school holidays (depending on availability). For menu, click any of the labels on the side of this blog. For enquiries, please email or leave us a Facebook message. TQ!

Saturday, 24 March 2012

It's all about the colours...


          Alhamdulillah hari ini berjaya siapkan lagi 2 tempahan.. Semua order melibatkan banyak warna... First order is from Kak Surita.. this is the second time for her ordering from me... This time she ordered a rainbow cake like she did before.. but this time she requested for  Winnie The Pooh and Friends theme.. she also ordered 50 pieces of apam dot-dot.. Harap puas hati ye :)

        Order kedua pulak datangnya kawan my hubby.. He ordered 100 pieces apam dot-dot... Sebenarnye baru je belajar apam dot-dot ni.. x sangka dh ada yg order... Terima kasih banyak2..

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